Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Financial Futures

So lately I've been obsessed with trying to listen to financial gurus and reading different sources and listening to podcasts. It's like an overload of information. I wish I could absorb it like a sponge - or perhaps a shamwow? It's like I'm on the beach looking out across the ocean of knowledge, waiting to sail across the seas and explore the unknown. I want to learn more. Thankfully I have a father who has dived into the ocean, already discovered troves of golden treasures of knowledge. I still have much to learn, much to incorporate, but I think it's important to learn about these things.
I've wondered back when I was in/ just after high school why is it that school's don't teach what you really need to know in life? Life lessons, such as financial literacy/ management, time management, personal/ social management, etc. Most teachers tell you what is and that's that. If you don't get taught things like that at home, one might not be able to act on bettering oneself. My friends and I wondered about this once while reflecting on life.
I think because of my upbringing, I feel obsessed in learning how to become rich and wealthy. I've been listening to Dave Ramsey, Marty Nemko, rearing Rich Dad Poor Dad, too many sources to list.
I'm glad I've found these tools. I now know more why knowledge is power. I hope I can fill my head full of more and more ideas.
'Till next time!